"Genji monogatari" ("The Tale of Genji")is a romance consisting of fifty-four chapters. It was written during the golden age of the Heian period, around, or shortly after, 1000 A.D. by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady-in-waiting serving at the imperial court. The tale depicts the life of a hero, Prince Genji, from boyhood to manhood and old age. Following his death the story relates the rivalry between Genji's grandson, Prince Niou, and his friend, Kaoru, believed by the world to be Genji's son. The long, episodic nature of "Genji", along with certain structural aspects, have led some scholars to call the tale a romance. A further justification for this assertion is that the action of "Genji" revolves a-round two worlds. One is the idyllic, social ...